Using the grid method for realistic drawing
Drawing with a grid is a wonderful way to capture objects and scenes more accurately. The grid method allows you to redraw a reference photo to any size and preserves the proportions. A grid divides the reference photo into smaller sections. Draw a grid of the same dimension on your piece of paper. Focus on a particular section of the grid and carefully redraw what you see within it. The app supports square grids of various sizes as well as simple 3x3 and 4x4 grids with diagonals.
Drawing square grids over your photo
The ArtistAssistApp Grid tab allows you to draw a grid over a reference photo.
The grid method allows you to redraw a reference photo to any size and preserves the proportions.
A grid divides the reference photo into smaller sections.
Draw a grid of the same dimension on your piece of paper.
Focus on a particular section of the grid and carefully redraw what you see within it.
The app supports square grids of various sizes.
When the photo and the paper have different width to height ratios, use square grids.
Drawing non-square grids over your photo
Drawing square grids requires measuring and can be time-consuming.
If the photo and paper have the same width-to-height ratios, you can easily draw a non-square 4x4 grid using diagonal lines.
You can also easily draw a non-square 3x3 grid using diagonal lines, which will help you check your composition using the well-known rule of thirds.
About ArtistAssistApp
ArtistAssistApp, also known as Artist Assist App, is a web app for artists to accurately mix any color from a photo, analyze tonal values, turn a photo into an outline, draw with the grid method, paint with a limited palette, simplify a photo, remove the background from an image, compare photos pairwise, and more.
Try it now for free at to improve your painting and drawing skills and create stunning artworks.